summary of my professional career

Milestones and activities

Based in Berlin, I have been working as editor with a focus on asset management, business news and financial regulation as well as advisor on discussion and communication formats. Engagements have been with various media companies, financial institutions and associations. In addition, a main area of my activities covered the planning, organisation and management of conferences, workshops, seminars and further event formats. For a publishing house I was responsible for the launch of various event series.

Furthermore, I initiated and was for ten years director of the Financial Risk and Stability Network, a non-profit organisation focusing on bank regulation and financial sector reforms in the EU from a scientific but policy-directed perspective. In this position I established a pan-european exchange network of academics and policy makers and realised close cooperations with policy institutions at national and European levels as well as ministries, central banks, think tanks and universities.

Beyond that, my activities included the moderation of own conferences and workshops as well as the moderation of expert fora, seminars and panel discussions for clients and institutions. Moreover, I had been working for a Brussels based non-profit organisation as a senior research and advocacy advisor. Before, I was inter alia chief editor of an institutional investors’ magazine and worked for various German media – print, online, television – and companies – banks, asset managers, associations, agencies – as author, editor and event organiser for 20 years.

My main interests are in the societal, environmental and economic transformation of societies, and how to advance on appropriate and fair policies for a better future. My hobby of painting meanwhile takes a more prominent part of my life and I focus on this, exploring the use of colors, forms, shapes and structures.

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